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Top 10 smart phone power saving tips from charger manufacturers

2022-01-15 10:23:03

In the feature phone era, although the battery capacity of a phone is much smaller than that of a smartphone, consumers usually don’t care about the battery because it usually lasts for a few days. But in the smartphone era, one or more charges a day is the norm. Even many consumers find it unsafe to go out without a charger or charger. So what’s the most energy efficient way to use a smartphone? (1) turn off Bluetooth if possible. Turn Bluetooth on only when you need to transfer data, and make sure it’s turned off the rest of the time. This can both reduce the loss of excess power and eliminate the uncertainty of mobile phone poisoning. (2) long-term wireless Internet access. If your wireless network is on all the time, you’ll be constantly searching for a signal, and the amount of power you’re using is incredible, so don’t be in a hurry to turn it off. (3) turn off key sounds and vibrations. The sound of a keystroke and the vibration of a touch are sure to consume extra energy, not the necessary function. Therefore, turning off these two functions will not affect the use of the phone. (4) reduce screen brightness. The big screen is one of the most power hungry parts of a mobile phone. Reducing the brightness of the screen will greatly improve the standby power of the phone, while protecting the eyes from high-brightness stimulation. Therefore, the brightness of the screen can be set to the mobile phone automatically so that the mobile phone automatically follows the ambient light to adjust the brightness. (5) reduce the GPS switch. When using mobile maps and location, use the GPS feature, which needs to be turned on and off as soon as possible. Try not to stay in areas where the signal is weak. To search for signals where they are weak, the phone’s antenna doubles in power, not only increasing radiation, but also depleting the battery more quickly.(7) don’t switch too much and don’t use a dynamic desktop. Each time the phone is turned on, the software reloads and searches for signals to locate it, a process that consumes a lot of power. Therefore, should try to avoid too many cell phone switches. The dynamic desktop image of a mobile device is cool, but it is represented by an application that is always running and updated. Not only will it drain your battery, it will also drain your phone’s Internet connection. (VIII) turn off automatic updating and synchronization of programs and data. Many phones have software and data that automatically update and sync by default, such as automatically backing up photos or synchronizing apps. It sounds like a good idea to accidentally upgrade your application to the latest version and then accidentally upload your data to a cloud backup. But these automated operations require significant energy and flow losses. If you want to extend your phone’s battery life, turn off auto update and sync and use it manually only when needed. (9) eliminate overuse of resource-intensive applications. Resource intensive applications, such as video and games, can speed up battery consumption, so if you want to save battery life, avoid video news and don’t play games for long.(10) reduce the use of power-consuming applications. In the setup, you can see which applications consume the most energy and which ones consume the most energy. If one of these apps uses a lot of power, the APP is likely to run all day in the background, something many smartphone users ignore. Therefore, reducing the use of power-consuming applications and disabling software running in the background can greatly improve battery life. In general, the key to saving energy on mobile phones is to open source and reduce consumption. Open source refers to increasing the capacity of mobile phone batteries. Economize on electricity. When making a phone, you can save power by reducing the power consumption of the processor, optimizing the system, and limiting the background permissions of the application. An inherent disadvantage of Android, however, is that background applications can start on their own and consume power even when not in use. Therefore, it is recommended that you install a backend permissions management application on your android phone to check if there is any other software in the background. For software that is not in use, turn it off completely.


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