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Features and functions of producing electric chargers and separate electric vehicle chargers

2021-12-20 13:48:56

The production of electric chargers and separate electric vehicle chargers features and functions can automatically complete the entire charging process. The whole charging process is closer to the original characteristics of the battery, which avoids the problems of insufficient and overcharge of the battery caused by the locomotive charging mode. When the Locomotive Battery Charger Works, there is no need for manual charging, long charging time and no danger of over-charging. The following electric mini series is for you to share: Features and functions of electric vehicle chargers. 20a Ev charger features: 1. The reliability of the circuit is improved by adopting good topology structure and technology. Because the charging circuit works in the switching state, its conversion efficiency is high, and the conversion efficiency of the whole working cycle is above 90% , which does not affect the original working state of the locomotive DC generator, nor does it affect other equipments of the locomotive. Using unique control technology, so that the voltage fluctuation of the transition smooth. Figure 4. Voltage mode, current mode double loop control, work more stable. Protection Circuit Integrity, unit circuit step protection, so that the charger work more reliable. Unique circuit layout and structure, so that its radiation is small, will not cause interference to other locomotive equipment, while anti-interference ability, its own work more stable. - functional characteristics of Electric Vehicle Chargers 1. The charger adopts manual, automatic and short-circuit state control, operation is more flexible.Automatic state-the charger can automatically switch the working state according to the working state of the internal combustion engine, and automatically complete the whole process of battery access (Short Connection State) , disconnect charging, do not increase the working intensity of the staff. Manual mode-the charger can be forced to work in charging mode regardless of whether the generator is started, thus facilitating the maintenance and maintenance of the battery during the maintenance of the locomotive without the need for additional charging equipment, the battery can be maintained by using an external power supply circuit of 110V. Short circuit state-when the charger fails or does not need to work, isolate the charger and restore the original line of the locomotive. No matter what happens to the charger, the normal working state of the locomotive can be guaranteed. Equipped with led voltage and current display, easy to monitor the working state of the charger. Small size, easy to install. The above electric car charger features and features for everyone to share in this content. In addition, with the progress of science and technology and people’s continuous in-depth study of charger technology, there are many new chargers, such as: high-power intelligent high-frequency charger, SCR charger and so on. On the basis of the original charger, great progress has been made in charge efficiency, charge time, charge safety protection and charge automation management, which represents the future trend and direction of charger.

Production of electric chargers

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